
Arabic Threading Method

The Arabic thread has the distinction of being very suitable for those with sensitive and extremely delicate skin, but even if you have normal skin you can try it. Usually a silk or cotton thread that allow you not to feel so much pain, but only a slight one itching. One of the main pros of this method is that unlike the others, it has no contraindication, as the hair is plucked without creating trauma, but in a very delicate and completely natural way. Also, as the hair is pulled out of the root, it will become weaker over time and grow slower and slower. After hair removal with the Arab thread, the skin will be smooth, smooth and not at all irritated.

The Arabic thread is very precise unlike other hair removal methods, so it is perfect especially for eyebrow and mustache hair removal. It does not conflict with tanning and after using it you can immediately expose yourself to the sun, which is not recommended after waxing or razor, as they irritate the skin.

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